Sunday, February 27, 2011

Marksman Impressions

I've recently been playing the marksman build I linked to in my rogue specs build and so far it seems extremely good. I've been between first and third on my team in damage in every Black Garden I've done. Not only that I've had two games with zero deaths due to the superior maneuverability, and all this was done at level 12 while most of my opponents out-leveled and out-geared me. I'm still unsure on whether or not this will hold through to the endgame but it's worth a shot.

The main idea of the spec in pvp is that you use your skills to increase your movement speed and attack speed then you can dance around your opponent while doing damage, an advantage that most ranged builds don't have. You can also support you team by using your speed and knockbacks to position enemies or run the fang.The most important thing at low levels seems to be keeping your 30% attack speed buff up at all times. More info is on the way as soon as I get to play more.

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