Sunday, February 27, 2011

Latency Issues

I played in the open beta for RIFT without much trouble, and found it quite enjoyable. Now, however, as the head start servers fill up, I've found that in-game lag and disconnection can be a problem, especially for characters that play mainly long-range stationary characters such as mages and rangers.

Officially, the RIFT servers have had similar issues for players overseas in Britain and China, but this is atypical for me, being in the US. The problem is as follows: after about 1.5 seconds unattended, my character is booted unceremoniously. Being a elementalist/pyromancer/stormcaller, this causes problems as my elemental gets beaten to a pulp as I sit helplessly.

Follow-up posts as this is addressed.

Marksman Impressions

I've recently been playing the marksman build I linked to in my rogue specs build and so far it seems extremely good. I've been between first and third on my team in damage in every Black Garden I've done. Not only that I've had two games with zero deaths due to the superior maneuverability, and all this was done at level 12 while most of my opponents out-leveled and out-geared me. I'm still unsure on whether or not this will hold through to the endgame but it's worth a shot.

The main idea of the spec in pvp is that you use your skills to increase your movement speed and attack speed then you can dance around your opponent while doing damage, an advantage that most ranged builds don't have. You can also support you team by using your speed and knockbacks to position enemies or run the fang.The most important thing at low levels seems to be keeping your 30% attack speed buff up at all times. More info is on the way as soon as I get to play more.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Early PvP Impressions

I've done a little PvP on my shiny new chloromancer and it actually is pretty fun and well balanced. I didn't notice any particular spec doing obscenely good the exception being that two healers that buddy up aren't easy to kill. The mechanics in Black Garden were also balanced giving neither side an obvious advantage and allowing for games to be turned around quickly if your team gets it's act together.

The basic idea for Black Garden is a single flag mechanic where you hold the flag to gain points. The flag carrier will gradually take increased damage the longer he holds the flag. if the flag remains uncontrolled outside of the center for a certain amount of time it teleports back to the center making one of the more common strategies be to hold the flag near the center.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Head start launch

I've seen several complaints floating around about the head start launch, but from what I've seen it's actually been relatively smooth. I had no queue to log in and although it is a bit crowded I've had no problems with lag or disconnects with the exception of a very small amount of lag in extremely crowded rifts. I ask that anyone who's having trouble to just stick with it, if we support Trion they will support Rift. Good luck and happy leveling.

Rogue Builds

Melee Dps Decent auto attack heavy build with a nice emphasis on crits.

Tank Theres a decent amount of debate on non warrior tanks so I'll need some more testing, but this seems like the safest bet.

Ranged Dps Attack speed and crit, 'nuff said.

Bard This one I'm unsure because it tends to be difficult to determine the effectiveness of buff classes until you actually play with them, but if bard is what you want then this is worth a shot.

Mage Specs

Ranged Dps This is the spec I will be using on one of my two starting toons, may need some more tweaking. is a possible alternative

Heals Not too sure on this one gonna test it out when the servers come up.

Well I had an idea for a Necro/Archon/Warlock build but Zam apparently doesn't like warlock and necromancer being in the same build. Also have not played a pet class as the main spec yet so unsure how well it will work.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get Ready, Get Your Spec

Preorder accounts will become playable very soon, if you haven't preordered to get all those nifty bonuses you're running out of time. For those of you that have preordered I hope you've chosen a spec, if not this post will help you.

Melee Dps Standard crit heavy shaman build with decent self heals and an option for group heals.

Ranged Dps Not sure on this build, I wasn't able to give it a try in the beta, it looks decent on paper though.

Tank One of the callings could possibly be swapped out for another, but this should get through most stuff considering our lack of extensive theory crafting.

Heals Seems to be a decent HoT build, give it a shot see how it works.

More coming soon

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hello Telara

The newest center for Rift news is now open. With just a few days until preorder accounts become playable keep checking here for the freshest news and commentary.